Need assistance with your discount request?

Veteran (veteran or active duty)

Veterans discount is those who are serving, or who have served, in the military

  • Request a Veteran (veteran or active duty) discount for the:
    • Certified ScrumMaster
    • Mon 12/9 - Wed 12/11
    • Live Online
    • Regular Price: $695
  • Combines with early bird and/or alumni.
  • Tips for entering data:
    • Provide your military branch: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, etc.
    • In the description field tell us if you are paying gout of pocket or will be reimbursed and if you are active duty or retired.
  • After you submit your request we will process it, and if a discount is available, provide you a link to register with.
  • Please be honest when requesting a discount so they can be provided to those in need.
Please enter all fields prior to submitting. You will likely need to scroll down.